100 Great Black Britons

100 Great Black Britons

B. inggris Latihan 5
Cek kata yang bercetak tebal, apakah termasuk countable nouns (CN) atau uncountable nouns (UN).
1. We drink tea. (.........)
2 I eat bread. (.........)
3. I have a chair. (.........)
4. I have some cats. (.....)
5. They like milk very much. (.........)
6. That house is big. (.....)
7. I buy a pen.(.........)
8. You must write in ink. (.........)
9. Here is a pen for you. (.........)
10. I can write a letter. (.....)
11. Sugar is sweet. (.........)
12. Cows are white. (......... )
13. We sell flowers in the shop. (.........)
14 Children like playing. (.....)
15. We need flour to make donuts. (.........) ​

Latihan 5
Cek kata yang bercetak tebal, apakah termasuk countable nouns (CN) atau uncountable nouns (UN).
1. We drink tea. (.........)
2 I eat bread. (.........)
3. I have a chair. (.........)
4. I have some cats. (.....)
5. They like milk very much. (.........)
6. That house is big. (.....)
7. I buy a pen.(.........)
8. You must write in ink. (.........)
9. Here is a pen for you. (.........)
10. I can write a letter. (.....)
11. Sugar is sweet. (.........)
12. Cows are white. (......... )
13. We sell flowers in the shop. (.........)
14 Children like playing. (.....)
15. We need flour to make donuts. (.........) ​


1. UN

2. UN

Penjelasan: 3. CN,4. CN,5. UN,6.CN,7.CN,8.UN,9.CN,10.CN,11.UN,12.CN,13.CN,14.CN,15.UN
