Latihan 5
Cek kata yang bercetak tebal, apakah termasuk countable nouns (CN) atau uncountable nouns (UN).
1. We drink tea. (.........)
2 I eat bread. (.........)
3. I have a chair. (.........)
4. I have some cats. (.....)
5. They like milk very much. (.........)
6. That house is big. (.....)
7. I buy a pen.(.........)
8. You must write in ink. (.........)
9. Here is a pen for you. (.........)
10. I can write a letter. (.....)
11. Sugar is sweet. (.........)
12. Cows are white. (......... )
13. We sell flowers in the shop. (.........)
14 Children like playing. (.....)
15. We need flour to make donuts. (.........)
Cek kata yang bercetak tebal, apakah termasuk countable nouns (CN) atau uncountable nouns (UN).
1. We drink tea. (.........)
2 I eat bread. (.........)
3. I have a chair. (.........)
4. I have some cats. (.....)
5. They like milk very much. (.........)
6. That house is big. (.....)
7. I buy a pen.(.........)
8. You must write in ink. (.........)
9. Here is a pen for you. (.........)
10. I can write a letter. (.....)
11. Sugar is sweet. (.........)
12. Cows are white. (......... )
13. We sell flowers in the shop. (.........)
14 Children like playing. (.....)
15. We need flour to make donuts. (.........)
1. UN
2. UN
Penjelasan: 3. CN,4. CN,5. UN,6.CN,7.CN,8.UN,9.CN,10.CN,11.UN,12.CN,13.CN,14.CN,15.UN